Thursday, April 03, 2008

Was the SMS alert was weird........... idea?

I have my problems with Sujay, but I have to say there's one thing you
can't fault the man for: sheer physical courage( hope fully ..sujay).

This is a man who had his first flirt in my college ,and talking about him he is my dearest friend ...thnks u dude for helping me in todays EDP.Without you i have no idea how will i be writing the "problems faced by small business"...guys this was the last question in the question paper....which carrys a wooping 20 marks ..and i am telling you frankly that i have asked him the answer.

PIN without the pain

As you all may know, Goolge have send a Personal
Identification Number (PIN)
by standard mail when my account first reaches
$10 in earnings. This PIN is used to help verify My accounts and
addresses for security purposes.I often receive messages from publishers
concerned about what to look for in the mail, and when i can expect to
receive it.